29 December 2008

A Little Drawing Book

This little book is a concertina calligraphy book. The pages are Chinese watercolour paper and you can see from the size of the writing pen next to it.
As part of my drawing module I filled the book with a combination of watercolour, goauche and ink brush drawings. The flowers are all Australian natives and grow in my garden. The colour and ink drawings alternate so if the book is spread out, looking one way they are all colour and then the other way all black and white!

19 December 2008

International Project completed

A sample of the completed medallions...
Clay rolled and cut out to design by Aussie Anna, firing and decals by Joyce (formerly USA) to then be mailed to Gary, temporary resident of Ireland to then be taken to Germany for the Karneval 2009! Whew! Sure hope they arrive safely :)

Firing complete - now to decorate

The medallions have been glazed and fired and now the transfers can be applied!
Big thanks to Joyce for her patience and solutions to firing problems and expert use of Photoshop to prepare the decal images and wording.