We have been without internet at home for two weeks!
A thunderstorm in the area put out phones and internet and it has taken Telstra all this time to get us reconnected! We also needed to buy a new modem but we couldn't tell until they fixed the connection...
So that has meant no blogging and limited time on Facebook too...
But hey, we are back now...
The secret project continues... I worked in the kitchen while the kiln was firing a bisque
working on the kitchen table... some handy tools, some bought and some gifts and some found |

The bisque included some new bead rack type supports which I have coated with kiln wash today
The new ones are the taller cones in the middle of this picture..
these are the first of the bottle pourers through the glaze firing
The rest of the pourers were in the latest bisque firing and I plan on glazing these and some of my special project pieces tomorrow.
The weather has dried out and warmed up again bringing out many extra flowers and ripening the berries on our palm trees and lillypilly trees
it makes for a colourful time in the garden..
fingers crossed for the next glaze firing and I've almost completed the initial making of the number of pieces needed for the special project...