13 September 2011

We all had some fun

Here is the follow up to the previous post, Ready and Waiting.
Members of the Port Hacking Potters enjoyed a little hand building at the September meeting with a little demo by yours truly to get them started. The theme was the Nativity Scene, some made Angels and some made Wise Men.

Here's one I prepared earlier as an example

working on such a small piece meant it was better to hand the examples around and just get people started.  All but one had done plenty of handbuilding before and just wanted to get their hands on the clay.

the camera shy Anna (that's me)
the delightful product in all their variety

12 September 2011

Out of town

view from our room

 I was out of town for a family function and enjoyed both the function and the walk along the waterfront with my husband later.  Just a change of scene does wonders for the soul :^)
Looking over the bay

the cloud cleared and we had a lovely sunny afternoon.

06 September 2011

Ready and waiting

These wheel thrown bases are waiting to be transformed into Nativity figures by members or visitors at the Port Hacking Potters Group meeting tomorrow night.  The things I get myself into....

05 September 2011

Pandorea Pandorana or Wonga Wonga Vine

 This Native Australian creeper, known as the Wonga Wonga Vine (Botanical name is Pandorea Pandorana) only flowers once a year but it puts on a lovely show and unlike the imported Star Jasmine, it doesn't set off anyone's hayfever.
I've tried a few times to come up with a design to reflect it on my pots but just haven't been able to do it justice.