I don't know a lot about wood firing so I've been doing some research and took out some books on loan from the TAFE College library. Wonderful images and lots of information, more than I could take in, so I'm just skimming and looking for ideas to help me with how to glaze and decorate....
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The next most recent one is a Japanese/American publication: Japanese Wood-Fired Ceramics by Masakazu Kusakabe and Marc Lancet. This second one goes into lots of detail - even showing how kilns are built.
Lots of ideas in my head now and I've thrown my pots but need to get a few bits and pieces together before I can finish them off. Love this part of the process :^)
Been over to Mud Colony yet this week? and you can also Friend me on Facebook: my Group page: Anna's Aussie Ceramics or my Art Page: Anna's Ceramics.
Thanks for dropping by and I love to receive comments, see ya :^)
Oh you lucky duck !
How exciting!!.Good weather for brooding over books and cooking up ideas ,have fun planning Anna x
Hi Adriana, guess this is why I'm not a production potter - just jump around from one thing to another :^) of course having organized the wood firing I had to take part!
Good luck with the wood firing Anna - Always unpredictable but lots of fun.. Remember to make food and drinks for those on duty with the wood, they love it (and a bottle or two of vino of course). I am determined to get out to quixotica soon, and be part of the wood firing out there when they happen.
thanks Ellen, its nice to be using different clay and thinking of different decorations style to suit the wood firing. Ours will be rather sedate as it is at a TAFE college and its an alcohol free zone. I'm sure good food will abound however :^)
I'm like you I jump around too, going to check these two books out on amazon and see if they have them., hope you post photos of the firing and results.
Hi Linda
Yes, there will be photos for sure :^) let us know how you get on looking for the books..
oooh I just love pottery books, just found out that Paul Scott (now Professor) will be reprinting a new revised version of Ceramics and Print. One for my Christmas list already.
Hi Elaine, yes me too :^) have my son (lives in Dublin) trained to send me Amazon vouchers as gifts :^)
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