Took a few hours out today with my husband. We drove to Kurnell, which is where Captain Cook first landed on the East Coast of Australia looking for fresh water and shots were fired at two Aboriginal men when they waved their spears around in an effort to defend their home ground. At least there are now some moves to recognise that early encounter with art works with text that does make some attempt to explain the differences in culture that clashed that day. Now a National Park it is a little oasis amongst the industry of the modern age. Here are a few snaps - a wonderful calm day after a strong wind last night.
looking South to the village from a little wharf where a ferry used to come across Botany Bay from La Perouse |
a plane coming into land at Sydney Airport - the wharf is for the nearby Petroleum refinery |
afternoon sunshine streaming through this stand of Stringy Bark Eucalyptus trees |
What a beautiful spot in the first photo, is the shrine for the two aboriginal men? the eucalyptus grove lighting is wonderful.
Hi Linda, no unfortunately that memorial is to Captain Cook. There are about 3 memorials around the place, all to Europeans and paid for by local big wigs back in the 1800's. In recent years there has been an attempt to redress the balance with a large circle of sandstone not far from the stand of trees, built to commemorate an Aboriginal meeting place and further along there is a 'sound scape' with loud speakers hidden in the bush telling Aboriginal stories as you walk thru the bush path. That moment of light thru the trees was magic :^)
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